General FAQ


How do I schedule a session? 

New clients must schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to determine if my approach is right for you.

Can I see you for all three services?

No. I can work with you as a massage and/or yoga client OR a counseling client. If you see me for counseling, we will only do counseling. If you see me for massage, you may also see me for yoga and vice versa. This is to ensure appropriate boundaries within the therapeutic relationship. You may schedule a free phone consultation to discuss your needs and decide which service is right for you.

What should I expect in our first session?

For massage and yoga: After you complete a new client intake form, you will discuss your individual needs and goals with me. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to review your intake form with me.

For counseling: You will complete intake paperwork and we will review it in your first session. We will discuss your needs and begin developing a plan of care.

Cancellation Policy

You will not pay a cancellation fee for cancellations with over 24 hours notice. You will pay full price of the session for cancellations under 24 hours. Cancellation fees must be paid before additional services can be provided.

What is trauma-informed practice?

Trauma-informed practice takes a strengths based perspective, seeing each client as an expert in their own experience. Trauma-informed practice empowers the client to make their own decisions and build upon their strengths. In trauma-informed practice, instead of asking “What’s wrong with you?” we ask “What happened to you?” 

What is culturally aware practice?

Culturally aware practice recognizes that each individual has unique experiences due to their age, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, spirituality, identity, ability, and socioeconomic status. Culturally aware practitioners recognize the inequality and injustices in the construct of our system and society. We work to actively dismantle -isms and prejudices within ourselves. Culturally aware practitioners continue to educate themselves on the experiences of those who are marginalized. Culturally aware practitioners see each individual as an expert in their own experience. Culturally aware practitioners practice cultural humility, understanding that there is always more to learn. 

Yoga FAQ

What if I’ve never done yoga?

I cater to beginners and will work with you at your own pace.

I’m not flexible. Can i still do yoga?

Yes. Yoga is for everybody, no matter how strong or flexible you are. If you can breathe, you can do yoga.

I have some physical limitations. Can I still do yoga?

Yes. Yoga is versatile and adaptable. Yoga postures look different for everybody. I will help you find the poses that feel best for your body.

Do you do hot yoga?

No. The room is air conditioned. Due to the physical nature of yoga, you may sweat a little but I do not turn up the heat in the room for the purpose of increasing perspiration.

I have my own belief system. Does yoga push a certain belief system?

No. Yoga has its own history of spiritual practices, however, the practice of yoga is flexible and can fit into your own personal belief system.

How should I prepare for a one-on-one yoga session?

Wear loose comfortable clothing like you would wear to the gym. Do not eat a large meal right before your session. 

Do you offer workshops?

Yes, check back often to stay up to date on monthly offerings.

Do you offer weekly group yoga classes?

No, currently I do not offer weekly group classes. Please feel free to reach out for private sessions.

Massage FAQ

How should I prepare for a thai massage?

Wear loose comfortable clothing like you would wear to the gym. Do not eat a large meal right before your session. 

Where will my massage or bodywork session take place?

Your massage or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room. You will lie on a table or a Thai massage mat especially designed for your comfort.

Must i be completely undressed?

Most massage and bodywork techniques are traditionally performed with the client unclothed; however, it is entirely up to you what you want to wear. You should undress to your level of comfort. You will be properly draped (covered) during the entire session. You will remain fully clothed during a Thai Massage.

Will the practitioner be present when I disrobe?

I will leave the room while you undress, relax onto the table, and cover yourself with a clean sheet.

Will i be covered during the session?

You will be properly covered (draped) at all times to keep you warm and comfortable. Only the area being worked on will be exposed. 

What parts of my body will be massaged?

A typical full-body session will include work on your back, arms, legs, feet, hands, head, neck, and shoulders.  However,  prior to beginning the session, we will discuss which parts of your body you wish to focus on and which areas you wish to avoid.

Are there different kinds of massage and bodywork?

There are numerous types of massage and bodywork; various techniques utilize different strokes, including basic rubbing strokes, rocking movement, posture and movement re-education, application of pressure to specific points, and more. We can discuss which methods may be most appropriate for you. 

What should i do during the massage or bodywork session?

Prior to the massage, feel free to ask me any questions about the technique or the upcoming session. During the massage, make yourself comfortable. I will either gently move you or tell you what is needed throughout the session (such as lifting your arm). Many people just close their eyes and completely relax, communicating if/when they need more or less pressure, another blanket, or anything else relevant to the session. If you have any questions regarding the session or about the particular technique you are receiving, feel free to ask. 

How will i feel after the massage or bodywork session?

Most people feel very relaxed. Some experience freedom from long-term aches and pains developed from tension or repetitive activity. After an initial period of feeling slowed down, people often experience increased energy, heightened awareness, and greater productivity which can last for days. Since toxins are released from your soft tissues during a massage, it is recommended you drink plenty of water following your massage.

What are the benefits of massage and bodywork?

Massage and bodywork can help release chronic muscular tension and pain, improve circulation, increase joint flexibility, reduce mental and physical fatigue and stress, promote faster healing of injured muscular tissue, improve posture, and reduce blood pressure. Massage and bodywork is also known to promote better sleep, improve concentration, reduce anxiety and create an overall sense of well-being. 

Are there any medical conditions that would make massage or bodywork inadvisable?

Yes. That's why it's imperative that I ask general health questions before you begin your session. It is very important that you inform me of any health problems or medications you are taking. If you are under a doctor's care, it is strongly advised that you receive a written recommendation for massage or bodywork prior to any session. Depending on the condition, approval from your doctor may be required.

Counseling FAQ

What is counseling?

Counseling is a collaborative process between you and a trained professional to address any topics that you are seeking assistance with resolving.

What kind of concerns do people bring to counseling?

Depression, anxiety, sleep disruption, stress management, family or personal crises, interpersonal conflict with friends, room-mates, or romantic partners, educational or vocational ambiguity, alcohol or drug use, suicidal thoughts, concern about a friend, issues related to gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, and trauma history such as physical, sexual, emotional, religious, and/or verbal abuse.

What does the first session look like?

You will complete intake paperwork with me in the first session. You may share your reasons for seeking counseling. We will work together on identifying your goals in counseling. The first session is a time for you to get to know me and ask any questions you may have. The counseling relationship continues to grow like any other professional relationship and you may address questions and concerns about the course of your progress along the way.

Is it confidential?

Yes. Counselors must follow strict confidentiality guidelines. Counselors may not share information with anyone without your written consent. However, counselors are mandated reporters and must report any suspicion of harm to self or others, such as a child or elder neglect or abuse.

Is there anyone else in the room?

For individual counseling, the only people in the room are you and the counselor. If you go to a counselor for family counseling, couples counseling, or group counseling, then there will be other people in the room who you have agreed to participating in session. 

Do you work with couples, families, groups, or children?

No. I provide individual therapy to adults. 

How often do we meet?

You as the client get to decide how often you wish to meet. You may meet as often as once a week to once a month. It depends on your own personal needs. You may discuss this with me during the intake process. It will be an ongoing discussion throughout your progress to determine when you have completed your counseling goals.

How long will I be in counseling?

The time frame for counseling is different for everybody. You get to decide how long you want to be in counseling. Sometimes a client may only need to meet for a few sessions to resolve a short term issue. Other times, clients remain in counseling for years as a way to maintain their overall wellbeing. I will help you determine your course of counseling and you get to decide what is best for you.

When will I start to feel better?

This depends on what you are working on and the work you put into it. The client must play an active role in their counseling sessions. Counselors do not “fix” anyone. However, if you feel like you are not making progress in your counseling sessions, we can discuss alternative approaches that might work better for you.

What if I want to change counselors?

Sometimes a counselor is not a right fit for you, for many different reasons. You may try meeting with your counselor 2-3 times before deciding if they’re a good fit for you. It is ok if you do not feel like your counselor is a good fit. You have every right to end counseling at any time. If you feel comfortable discussing the concerns with your counselor, it is a great opportunity to practice boundary setting and expressing your needs. It also offers an opportunity for the counselor to learn and grow. In any case, you may seek other counselors at your discretion. Sometimes you may need to try a few different counselors to find one that’s right for you. It’s best to keep seeking the right counselor than feel “stuck” with someone or to give up completely. 

Do you prescribe medication?


Do you take insurance?

No. I collect payment at the time of service.

How does talking help?

Talking to an objective outsider (counselor) may assist you with identifying underlying patterns that you were not aware of before. A counselor offers a non-judgmental space for you to be heard and validated in your experience. 

Do I come up with the topics or do you?

Counseling is a collaborative process. At the beginning of session, I might ask you if there’s anything specific you would like to talk about. You lead the session. If you do not have any thing you wish to discuss, I might offer topics to explore based on the counseling goals discussed during intake. As the client, you have the right to lead the session. 

Who starts the conversation?

I may ask you how you have been to open up the conversation, however, counseling is an open dialogue. If you as the client are having difficulty starting the conversation, I may offer some direction with a line of questioning. If you have something specific you would like to discuss, you may present it at any time.

What are the expectations?

The primary expectation is that you, as the client, have the power to lead the direction of your journey. I will walk with you on your journey. I will offer different ideas, perspectives, and tools, but you ultimately choose what is best for you. You will confirm appointment times and you will inform me as soon as possible if you need to cancel the session. You will be an active participant in your process and commit to yourself. I will provide a judgement free space for you to explore your own process. I will educate myself on your unique circumstances and maintain professional boundaries. I will not pressure you into making any changes that you are not ready to make, but I may offer homework. 

What makes you stand out as a counselor? 

I have studied and practiced somatic (body based) interventions since 2004 through massage therapy and teaching yoga. Due to my experience with body work, I recognized the importance of the mind-body connection. Stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma have a significant impact on our bodies and our bodies play a significant role in our mental health. I use this knowledge in addressing trauma related symptoms along with every day concerns. 

Other questions?

Contact me here if you have further questions.